2. Experiencing Specific Chiropractic

T.H. 45 year old, female

Looking at my reservation card, it reminds me that I visited the upper cervical chiropractic office for the first time on August 21st 2002. It has been two and a half years since then and I remember that I became so desperate at that time I would clutch even at straws. Today, I am very happy and it is wonderful that I can live without the pain I have suffered before.
In the autumn of 2001, my chronic cystitis relapsed and that’s when I first heard about upper cervical chiropractic. At that time I was living overseas. The medicine I used to take for my condition in Japan was very efficient, but the same medicine I was taking overseas did not help me. Rather, my condition got worse. Consequently, I tried various kinds of medicines. I went to the hospital every day and we found that I was also suffering of a vaginal ulcer.
My physical condition was considered bad. I felt pain when I was walking, even when I was sitting still. My mental state was in a bad shape too. I visited the neurology department. All the examinations and tests I had to go through did not reveal anything as a cause of my medical problems. I was very worried all the time. Then I started taking a light mental stabilizer.
Some time later, I was treated with Chinese medicine for my vaginal ulcer and the pain moved towards the anus. I therefore went to the proctology department. Once again, the cause of this shift could not be specified. When the medical doctor told me that my problems were caused by stress, I was very upset. There certainly was stress involved because of my living in a foreign country. However, the pain did not come from stress. I was sure about that.
As soon as I came back to Japan for a visit to my hometown, I visited the upper cervical chiropractic office recommended by one of my friends. I did my best to explain my condition to the Dr. He also explained about the meanings of necessity of the upper cervical adjustment, but I could not understand all of his explanation at my initial visiting. Upon my first visit, he told me that I needed an adjustment. After the adjustment, the Dr. told me that the asymmetry in my arms was completely corrected and that my arms were even. I could not feel or see the difference but I returned home thinking about that fact. That night I slept very soundly. And I also slept a lot during the following several days. It was difficult for me because there was no dramatic change and I was still feeling pain. Still, I felt some minor changes of settling down and quiet. And of course, some pain too.
I came back to Japan only for the adjustment in the beginning of October. I could not explain what was happening to me immediately after the other adjustments but I was feeling more pain than first adjustment. Was it because I had traveled by aircraft? Is it difficult for me to recover my health after all by upper cervical adjustment? I was feeling pessimistic. I was suffering terribly with pain again. I didn’t understand what was happening to me so I called my upper cervical chiropractic doctor from abroad. He told me very calmly to continue enduring for a little and also to take a look at my appearance because maybe I could see some changes. However, my condition didn’t change for 3 or 4 days. But then suddenly my anxiety disappeared and I felt refreshed. It seemed miraculous that I had finally come to my senses. And that helped me stabilize my feelings and think positively.
Parallel to that, my pain started decreasing day by day. That’s how I was feeling each morning. And I felt very happy. During the New Year period, I could feel so much gratitude, thinking of the immense pain I had lived in the past year. Still, I did feel some pain occasionally, for two or three days when I had worked too much, after carrying heavy things or when I received a massage from a non-professional. I recovered little by little after the adjustment, receiving energy that came from inside myself. The pain finally settled down after a while. The summer of that year, I could at last forget about pain. I was finally felt what it was to be mentally and physically in my best condition. That was two years after the appearance of pain. And one year after my encounter upper cervical chiropractic. I was wondering about the fact that my pain went away just as I started visiting the upper cervical chiropractic clinic. I was so happy to be healthy again that I felt like crying.
What I want to say here is that the important things are the will to recover and writing records of the relation with the upper cervical chiropractic. And understanding that “time” is very important. When you are in great pain, the days are long and difficult but when you think about your pain one year after, it seems so far away. When you think that the only way of getting better is taking medicine, we cannot imagine that “time” can take care of your problems. “Time” is necessary for the body to get back to its natural condition. It is not easy to understand this through thinking only. We have to experiment it. And, sometimes, pain is the product of the improvement of your body. The pain or any symptoms are revived temporarily after the improvement process has begun. The Dr. clearly explains about “improvement reaction” but it is difficult to understand until you experience it yourself. So it is a race against time and the “improvement reaction”. And it is a fight that is made with one’s whole body. Can I trust my body? It is important to talk “long term” (including the adjustment). In order to let my body start believing in itself.
We do not understand pain and the uneasiness related to it. However, pain is not always bad. It is the body in obedience in the process of restoring health. I hope everyone can feel the pleasure I experienced through the adjustment.